Last Friday, I put in 10 days’ worth of geese eggs into the just-built Hatching Time CT60 incubator.
I also bought these two pigeons, as a pair. They arrived today. The female laid an egg in transit, possibly from stress. (We had a female quail do that a few weeks ago, but it was … horrible, and she did not survive. The pigeon is just fine, however.)
They’re in the holding cage rather than the aviary for now, partly to ensure they pair-bond, partly to isolate them for a bit from the utility King pair.
Yesterday and today, I participated in a computer forensic CTF exercise, and worked until very late at night yesterday, and was back at it fairly early this morning. Given I almost never get to get my hands on those platforms for analysis, I am pleased with my showing.
Had a follow up with Allergist #2. He was not thrilled with my response to the Pnuemovax 23. Out of 23 serotypes, I only had a “protective” response to 11 of them. They prefer to see at least a 70% response. Even with a low-grade sinus infection already in play, I had a low normal IgG count, and he is concerned that I’m sliding from a “specific immunodeficiency” into “common variable immunodeficiency”. He doesn’t think I’m quite there yet, but he doesn’t think I need to jump straight to antibody replacement therapy. I did admit that I’m extremely hesitant to do so, but did perchance those serotypes I do not respond to easily have an antibiotic that they’re more susceptible to? 1) No one had ever asked that question before. 2) He had never thought about that. 3) He doesn’t believe so, BUT he did say that he has — with this particular pattern of presentation — had a much better result with my preferred antibiotics than others. So he recommends that the PCP stick with prescribing the ones I prefer to use.
After that appointment, came back, and went back to the CTF until that closed off. Then did some work. (Hey, that CTF was training time. It counts.)
Today, I finished building the Honey Flow 2+ hive.
The hive still needs to be stained and painted. Then I need to build the second one, plus the quail / brooding shed, put together a batch of regular bread (in the machine) and a batch of bread (for me, thus not in the bread machine) plus other things.
Never ends.